Pearl GH-1213 (FTA)

Woo Hoo! I Love my Forever Home
Sweet Pearl (age 4), was a breeder girl and arrived at GoldHeart July 30, and went to an awesome foster home to learn what it was like to live in a home and as part of a loving family with two small loving Jack Russell’s and even enjoys the horses and cows on her farm. She was nursed by her foster mom for hot spots/sores on her legs (now healed) was Lyme positive with a high C6 titer, and was treated. Pearl was Spayed in December. After so many months with her foster family, it was clear Pearl was going to become a permanent family member. Congratulations Pearl!
Think you may be interested in the Foster-to-Adopt program? First, to inquire about any Goldheart dog, you must be an approved adopter. During the approval process you can discuss the FTA program.

Posted in Happy Endings