Zack GH-1018

Zack, who would have turned 14 on June 5, lost his battle with liver cancer on March 12, 2024. Zack was given 6-8 weeks to live in December of 2022, and despite his diagnosis, he wasn’t ready to give up and shared his love and smiles for 14 plus more months.
Zack was adopted on Valentine’s Day in 2016, after we became his failed foster family. He loved to go for car and boat rides, and he loved swimming, playing ball, going for walks and of course nap time. Zack was one of a kind. With all the other fosters we have brought home, he was always kind and got along with everyone, even when they ate out of his bowls or took his squeaky balls. His unconditional love and his always happy to see you outlook is missed more than words can say.
Lily, Cooper and Mommy love and miss you, my Zackaroo.
The Poffenberger Family

Posted in Memorials