Ryder GH-1222
Woof! Woof! I have my very own Forever Home!
Say Hello to Ryder! (Before, after, and midway between grooming – super cute any way!) Adorable Ryder arrived in late January with other golden doodles after being seized by the SPCA in North Carolina, rescuing from a situation where the pups were living in the woods in filthy kennels, and understandably were all terrified at arrival into GoldHeart’s foster home network. Ryder has come a long way since his arrival. He successfully battled Heartworm & Lyme disease. He had to learn how to play with toys and now absolutely loves his squeakers! He is super sweet and loves to be near his people all the time.
Gender: Male, neutered (prior to rescue, date unknown)
Age: Estimated by the vets to be age 5-6
Weight: Around 35 pounds
Health: Ryder was declared heartworm free on 6/14/23. It is absolutely vital that he is kept on monthly heartworm and flea & tick preventives & is always under the care of a vet for annual HW testing.
Personality: Shadow dog, lounger, cuddler. Just wants to be around you all day long.

Posted in Happy Endings