Princess (Belle) GH-1215

Miss Princess is loving life in her Forever Home arriving just in time for the Holidays!
Here is a picture from her forever home and she loves all her new humans and her 4-legged golden bestie! Congratulations Princess and love your new name Belle!
Miss Princess, arrived with all the silliness, smiles, sweetness, and devotion that comes with a golden. She was with her foster family since September 12, living with another golden, two Jack Russells, horses and a cow and adapted well. Her original owner advised that she is good with cats and she loves little children as well. Princess will greet you with a wagging tail in the morning waiting for the days adventure or happy to sit in your office with you for the day. She will run around the yard when given the chance but does not jump on you. Her foster family adored her, and were sad to see her go, but so happy she found a wonderful forever home through GoldHeart.

Gender: Female
Age: 7 years old
Weight: 64 pounds
Health: Good. She is great for the vet loves to get brushed. You can pet her all day, she loves the attention. Princess is fully vetted and was spayed in November, and during surgery had two small lumps removed.
Personality: A very sweet girl who will be devoted to her family.