Kodiak (Kodi) GH-418

Dear GoldHeart
In April 2007, GoldHeart entrusted us with #GH-418 (Kodiak), who turned out to be a Golden mix based on her appearance and the DNA test we ran.
She was only a few months old and she’d had a rough start: she was a stray picked up in Baltimore and taken to the shelter. (She was afraid of rain for most of her life, so we suspect she was out in some bad storms.) There, a kind worker saw her fringy Golden ears and called one of your volunteers. The volunteer said that even thought she was covered with mange, her sweetness showed through so she took her from the shelter and brought her to her own vet.
She was an avid ballplayer in her youth and a friend to all dogs she met on her walks. She loved it when our kids’ friends came over, and her soft fur was a favorite spot for our cats to curl up in.
We lost her on June 5, 2023, at the ripe old age of 16, when her hind legs finally gave out.
Thank you for this wonderful dog.
Warmest regards,
Shira Modell and Louise Hansen