Josie GH-1294

Meet Beautiful Josie. She is a gorgeous lass with a shiny gold coat, with a fabulous gentle and kind golden personality. Josie came from a breeder farm in PA after she became useless to them, and happily with the help of rescue volunteers, she found her way into GoldHeart.

Gender: Female

Age: 8 years young

Weight: 80 pounds

Health: She is doing great! Josie is up to date on her vaccines, and her monthly preventatives. After arrival in March 2024, she tested negative for parasites and heartworm. She did test positive for Lyme (no symptoms), so after getting her baseline C6, she had a preventative round of doxycycline. While she may continue to test positive for Lyme (totally normal), she should be fine. Josie was then spayed. During that surgery, the vets noticed some lumps along her mammary glands and recommended removal. After healing from her Spay surgery, she had a second surgery to remove the mammary chain on her right side. She was allowed healing time, and then she had the chain on her left side removed. During both mastectomy surgeries, biopsy results for various growths were done – NO CANCER, or other concerns! Bonus – no more lumps! Her surgeries were completed in late June, and she is fully healed. What an amazing girl – coming through these three surgeries like a trooper!

Personality: Josie is super sweet, affectionate, and loves to cuddle. She loves to rub up against your legs and get pets and rubs. Josie quickly adjusted to living in her foster home. She loves the sofa, the dog bed, and being in a crate. She is just such a sweetie. Very easy to love and adjust to having in your home. She does still tend to be nervous with new things and unexpected noises. But she has come a really long way, and in her forever home, she will continue to blossom!


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