Huey GH-945
I remember so very well the day I met Huey. LaDonna picked him up from his original home and brought him to me on a sunny day. I was going to foster him. We met in a parking lot for the transfer. Huey was in the back seat of LaDonna’s car. When I opened the door, the first thing Huey did was to give me a huge lick/kiss on my face. At that moment, I knew his fostering days were over. I needed to be his new mom. Bob and I adopted Huey on April 19, 2015.
Huey was the cutest pup ever. I can say that because I know! He very soon became my Velcro pup. If I went to the basement, he would follow and stay with me until I went back upstairs. Going to the bathroom always meant I had company. At night, he would jump on the bed ahead of me to make sure he could get a spot before the other pups. Huey always wanted to keep me in sight. If I had to leave him, he always got the saddest look in his eyes.
When Goldheart had functions, particularly the Pet Expo, I would always bring Huey because he was such a cute and gentle pup, and everyone wanted to pet him. Huey would always accompany me on visits to meet prospective Goldheart members. Everyone loved him. But no one more than his parents.
Huey just turned nine on June 21, 2023, and he was doing well. I had hopes of him living a very long life. But I knew he was just not feeling right around the start of October. You know that feeling you get when your pup or child is just not right. I made an appointment for our veterinarian. We saw Dr. Brockett (Madonna Veterinary Clinic) on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. An X-ray showed several large tumors in/on his lungs and a growth on his heart. While there, Huey had a stroke/seizure. Huey came home with us that day but never really recovered. His breathing was very labored. Dr. Brockett came on Friday, October 20, to put Huey to sleep.
I cannot tell you how very much we/I miss him. I am crying as I type this. My heart is truly broken. All of my pups have been great, fantastic even. But Huey was my baby. He was and always will be special.
Linda Heil and Family

Posted in Memorials