Cuddles GH-896

18 FEBRUARY 2023
Our sweet lovable Cuddles (GH#896) received her Angel Wings here at home as we held her and she ever so gently and peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge on March 18, 2022, after many months of dealing with several cancer tumors, surgeries and treatments.
Cuddles was an abused 4 year old, who along with her son Goofus (GH#897), a 2 year old, when we rescued them in 2014, both extremely afraid of everything and everyone!!
Slowly, with lots of TLC, patience and an abundance of petting and treats, they both overcame most fears and became wonderful fur members of our family. They never lost their fears of being in a car, a leash, going up or down stairs, or getting into water (pool, bathtub, creek, etc). However, eventually they adapted. Cuddles overcame a terrible early life to become a beloved member of our family and loved by everyone she met.
Cuddles loved her tennis balls, had many and finally learned to retrieve them when thrown –most times, until she grew tired of the game and kept them. Cuddles loved chasing and “treeing†squirrels when they dared to enter HER yard, and enjoyed cuddling on the couch with whomever was available.
We truly believe that Goofus, Rammie, Nugget, Mumphe, and even our cats Meow and Scamper were there waiting to welcome her as she crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
We miss her but are all thankful that Cuddles and Goofus came into and enriched our lives.

Posted in Memorials