Happy Endings

A white dog with a head tilt sitting on a tiled floor, surrounded by toys.

Brandi (Olive) GH-968

Brandi found her forever home in time for the holidays, and she got a new name - ...
White dog lying on grass.

Sandy GH-938

Woof! Woof! Lucky me -- my foster family decided they couldn't live without me and ...
A golden retriever dog lying on a concrete surface next to a brick wall.

Rich GH-930

Woof! Woof! Rich got his Christmas wish and has a family to call his own.  ...
Golden retriever lying comfortably on a white bed.

Cooper GH-937

Cooper is loving life in his Forever Home - and here is how he looks ...
A close-up of a golden retriever looking to the side with a thoughtful expression.

Benny GH-951

Benny is very happy to report he has found his forever home! This young lad ...
A fluffy dog with a pink tongue hanging out sitting on a carpeted floor inside a house.

Koda GH-962 (FTA)

Woof! Woof! Koda is so happy in his forever home and is just loving life ...
A light-colored puppy lying on a carpet.

Abby GH-967

Lucky Abby is Home for the Holidays! The Dixon family reports "We are in love with ...
Two golden retrievers lying on the floor, one with a piece of bread on its head.

Storm GH-955 and Leila GH-956

WOO HOO!  Thanksgiving is extra special for these bonded kids, and they are loving life ...
A golden retriever sitting on a tiled floor with a happy expression.

Rhya GH-958

So Happy in her Forever Home celebrating Thanksgiving! Rhya, a Golden-mix,  is almost four years ...