Calling all Volunteers!

Can you help at GoldHeart’s Pet Expo Booth?
It’s that time of year again for the great World of Pets Expo at Timonium. GoldHeart will have a booth and this is a wonderful way to start the new year off fundraising. If you or you and your pet can donate time to help man the booth we would really appreciate it.This is a 3-day event and it takes lots of volunteers to make it work.

Only you know your dog. If he/she is comfortable around crowds, noise and of course lots of other dogs please come and volunteer at the booth or just come see us. If your dog does not do well in crowds, please let them stay home where they are safe, but still come yourself. So many things to see and do. We talk to people about GoldHeart, the process of adopting, surrendering, and the joys of fostering.

The schedule for the expo is as follows
Friday Jan 26—————2 to 8 PM
Saturday Jan 27———–10 AM to 7 PM
Sunday Jan 28————-10 AM to 5 PM

If you can spare any time please contact Barb Schaefer at [email protected].For all our new adopters, please take this time to bring your pup and introduce them to the rest of the GoldHeart family. We always love to see our former foster dogs.

Promotional graphic for the world of pets expo featuring a variety of illustrated pets and animals against a globe backdrop.

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