Buddy GH-815

It is with broken hearts that we tell you of the passing of Buddy. We adopted him 10 years ago and he left us on March 30, 2023. We lost his big brother Happy on February 11, 2023. Buddy was diagnosed with pancreatitis and they also noticed some fluid around his heart. We saw the cardiologist and she saw the same and also an area she was concerned about. We talked to Barb about Buddy having a little brother, so we made arrangements for him to go meet one of the NC puppies. One week after seeing the cardiologist the first time, we went back and she saw no fluid or anything to be worried about. We went to meet our new member of the family and Buddy did great with him. Buddy was so happy to see Barb and Bill. Four days later we were back at the cardiologist and got the devastating news that there was more fluid and a tumor on Buddy’s heart. We had to make the hardest decision ever and let him go. We honestly feel that Buddy gave the OK for Teddy (GH1239) to come into our family.
Buddy was such a joyful and happy guy. He loved hanging with Lou, going for walks, being with Happy and eating. They both loved the Outer Banks and were so happy to be at our home there. We feel that Buddy had to continue watching over and taking care of Happy. They were always together. Their spirits are with us and we know they are watching over Teddy. We miss them with all our hearts and love them more than words can say. Rest and play well. We love you so much!
The Richards Family

Posted in Memorials