Sunny GH-783
October 10, 2019/

Written October 3, 2019…In life we have “events” that touch us but also make us who we are today. One week ago today, I experienced one of these events.
I learned that Sunny’s cancer metastasized to his lungs, and he wouldn’t be with us long. Last Monday I noticed his quality of life was deteriorating. Thursday night, last week (September 26), Dr. Laura Moreau Owens and I helped Sunny cross the Rainbow Bridge. I wanted to share a few memories of last week as I tried to ensure he left this earth gently and embraced.
The next morning I received my sign. There’s a myth that the praying mantis are protected. Whether true are not, I think this was my sign he is protected and safe.
Miss you Sunny BunnyðŸ¾ðŸ’”