Spring 2016 Newsletter
May 17, 2016/
Rain, Rain go away. All the dogs want to go out to play. I’m sure you will all agree that we are tired of the rain and lack of sunshine. Where are those warm temps?
I want to take time to thank everyone who donated to the March Medical Fund Raiser. This rescue is so lucky to have family members like all of you. With your help we took in over $13,000. This has allowed us to replenish our funds and continue to take in more needy golden retrievers. Bentley GH# 976, Lyla/Molly GH# 978 and Diamond GH# 982 thank you all also. Bentley and Lyla/Molly are doing wonderful in their foster homes, unfortunately Diamond crossed over the Rainbow Bridge during surgery to remove the massive tumor. RIP beautiful girl.

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