RIP 9/9/2013 Archie GH# 611

Archie came to Bill and I on Black Friday of 2009. A little ball of fuzz and a bundle of energy with an attitude. His thoughts of the other dogs were ” You’re going to like me and play with me or else”. Archie was diagnosed with a double chambered ventricle and a grade 6 heart murmur. There was nothing that could be done for him except take him home and love him and let him live as normal a life as he could. He played, ran and enjoyed every bit of the 2 acres he had to run on. Archie died doing what he loved to do the most and that was to run the fence line and give everyone hell that had the “nerve” to go by “his ” yard. Be a good boy and stick with Ben (RIP 5/10/2012) at the Rainbow Bridge until we meet again.
We love and miss you so much.
Mom, Dad and Sadie