Pumpkin GH-996

Pumpkin got her Happy Ever After!
What a difference a few months make — look at that smile on her face today (below is a picture taken at intake)!
GoldHeart rescued Pumpkin (came in as Rachel) and Sandy (GH-997) from a puppy mill breeder where these sweet golden gals most likely lived outside the home their entire lives (in kennels with runs) — they are estimated to be about 6 years old. They were dirty, full of mats and very smelly, so the first order of business was baths for both. Both girls did great and seemed to truly enjoy getting cleaned up after arrival in early September.
Pumpkin landed in a wonderful GoldHeart approved foster home and little did she know, she was home! No question that Thanksgiving is taking on a new meaning for this little lady. Even with her health and behavioral challenges (extremely shy, fearful of some people and new situations, allergies, severe ear issues, and more), Pumpkin captured the hearts of her foster family. Pumpkin is over the moon and proud she helped them to earn the title of Failed-Fosters! Congratulations Pumpkin!