Piper GH-1111

Woof! Woof! Loving Life in my Forever Home
Piper has a velcro personality and is an active, affectionate young Golden who is delighting her new family. Piper is ultra self-confident, loves people, young and old, and wants to be included in any activity. This beauty has big black eyes, a very black nose, and appears to be an English Cream Golden. Piper came to GH in May after she and other dogs were found abandoned in a house in Maryland. At the time of her rescue, she was shaved to remove mats and filth.
Gender: F, spayed.
Age: Estimated 1 to 2 years old.
BACKGROUND: Piper was one of the Black Rock Kennel cruelty case survivors where 27 dogs were found dead on the property and the 27 that were alive were brought to the Humane Society of Carroll County for vetting and loving care with release to GoldHeart in early May to ensure her next chapter is the best ever. We thank the Humane Society of Carroll County for trusting GoldHeart to care for Piper. The society accepts monetary donations online at https://hscarroll.org/donate/. This wonderful rescue organization also has an Amazon Wish List, where individuals can purchase items that can be used by the society to care for rescued animals.