Paige GH-399

Paige Martinez
4/27/2004 — 10/17/2016
Thank you GoldHeart for bringing Paige to us! Our baby girl Paige was a momma before coming into rescue in 2007. She was also a sister to Bojangles the cat, to Buck another GoldHeart rescue (who both welcomed her at the Rainbow Bridge); and to Teddy and her favorite Duke (both from GoldHeart). Duke was with us as we all hugged her and ensured a peaceful and gentle transition in the back of our little RV with our wonderful Vet and staff at CVH. Paige fought a good fight for almost two years against melanoma cancer, but sadly, the cancer won.
Paige, who never aged or grayed, was a favorite of children, especially when she had a summer cut (a forever puppy). She was a foster sister to many GoldHeart dogs and enjoyed many two and four-legged cousins, aunts and uncles and loved to see all her peeps, especially if they had “cookies” to share. She never needed to be the center of attention, and was just happy to be with those she loved, going camping or out to visit Grandma and Grandpa were such happy times for her. Most of all, watching from her throne (arm chair) in Pete’s Bar, on a cushion by the fireplace, or snoozing in the sun near our bed, these were her indeed favorite spots and where she reached nirvana. No matter where she was, she enjoyed letting out a little woof! woof! to announce new arrivals (never leaving her comfy spot). Thanks to all who made her life so full and happy.
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” –Dr. Seuss.
RIP Sis…Mija…you will live on forever in our hearts.
Momma Marie and Daddy Pete, Duke and Teddy

Posted in Memorials