Leo GH-1143
Leo was a 13 year old member of the white muzzle society, and his family turned to GoldHeart because they were having financial difficulties and had to move from their home.
This handsome boy landed softly in a wonderful GoldHeart foster home in early March, and sadly, was diagnosed with advanced kidney disease. GoldHeart determined it would be in his best interest to remain in his loving foster home until his final sunset and he became a long term foster. As you can see by these images, he had a wonderful final chapter, and his foster mom told us on his good days he loved to carry “Floppy Ears” around and enjoyed spending afternoons in the yard during gardening time, and enjoyed barking at dogs walking by on the path near the yard.
Unfortunately, that final sunset came too soon, and Leo crossed over on August 8. Although he was only with GoldHeart a short while, the love he shared was beyond compare. His foster mom told us, “Leo passed on quickly and peacefully as I petted him. He was a very good dog. Loving, intelligent and thoughtful of his humans. ”
A huge thank you to his devoted and caring foster family, and please know GoldHeart is forever grateful for the loving care you gave to Leo.0P

Posted in Memorials