Winter 2018 Newsletter is Available
As we find the holidays behind us and for my family a rough 2017, we are very much looking forward to 2018.
GoldHeart continues to get calls about golden’s needing to be surrendered, whether owner give up, stray or unwanted. Sometimes it seems to be nonstop. Without our foster homes and volunteers to pick up these dogs and get them where they need to be we would not be able to continue with our goal of
“No Golden Left Behindâ€.
As you know GoldHeart has been doing a lot of international transports. Why? You may ask. What about the dogs here in this country? Let me assure you that GoldHeart checks into every golden that is reported to us that is sitting in a shelter here in the US. It is rare anymore that the shelters here will turn
a dog over to us, especially if it is a young dog that is considered highly adoptable. If the golden is a “problem child†(bite history, senior with a lot of medical issues, doesn’t get along with other dogs) they are more than willing to turn them over to us.

Posted in News-Events