Hope GH-1056
It is with very heavy hearts, that I share the news that Hope, our beloved Golden, passed yesterday, 12/31/2024, from Hemangiosarcoma cancer.
We adopted Hope from GoldHeart, January 7, 2018, at age 7, and she brought so much love and joy to our lives over the last 7 years. Hope was the best personable dog we have ever had. She was always happy, loved walks, retrieving, sleeping in our beds and snuggling on the couch. When we adopted Josie, GH-1137 from GoldHeart in 2020, she and Josie became sisters, wrestling and running together as if they’d known each other their whole lives. Hope even made peace with the two cats we’ve had over the years. She loved our large fenced in yard and her favorite things to do were chase squirrels and rabbits, dig (our yard is full of holes) for moles, eat fresh vegetables from the garden, fetch, walks, car rides and trips, family time, snuggle with us in bed and the couch, and play with Josie.
October 31 of this year, she had a large mass removed from the outside of her body that turned out to be Subcutaneous Hemangiosarcoma. Over the course of 2 months we did our best for her and had scheduled her for a splenectomy 12/31, but her spleen burst on the way to the hospital. We comforted her at the end and she fell asleep in our laps. Needless to say we are going to miss her terribly. We have already seen Josie start grieving for her missing sister.
Attached are some pictures of Hope. While this is the end of our time with Hope, we are forever grateful for the time we had with her and the love we shared. Thank you for all the wonderful things you do for the Goldens! We are forever grateful.
Sandy and Tony Grzesik

Posted in Memorials