Hold the Date – August 1, 2015 – 8TH Annual Crab Feast
August 26, 2014/

Please mark your calendars to hold the date for the next GoldHeart Crab Feast on Saturday August 1, 2015.
The 2014 event, held earlier this month, was a sell-out, and everyone had a fantastic time! Many thanks to Donna, Barb, Linda, the Band (Past Forward), and the many other volunteers that worked hard to deliver a wonderful event to support our beloved Golden Retrievers.
Why not start rounding up family and friends for this important fundraising event (tables can seat 10). You don’t want to miss what will surely be another sell-out evening! If you want to reserve tickets/tables, or help out next year, just send an email to:Donna at[email protected].

Posted in News-Events