Duncan GH-1067
October 5, 2020/
Woof! Woof! Duncan is super happy to be in his wonderful forever home!
Duncan is a super sweet Golden/Lab mix. He gets along great with his two foster family dogs and wants to be with you all the time. He will follow you from room to room. He has a flat glossy coat that is wavy on his back and it almost looks like he has a perm.
Gender: M, Neutered
Age: 3, estimated DOB March 2017
Weight: 67 lbs
Health: Duncan tested positive for Heartworm after being with GoldHeart and was successfully treated. He is now a healthy, happy, energetic boy.
Personality: He has a super personality and worked his magic, and is now so happy his foster family decided to become failed fosters! Good Boy Duncan!

Posted in Happy Endings