Dexter GH-814
Dexter, a.k.a. Bad to the Bone
From the moment we set eyes on him as a young pup and watched him casually plop down in his water bowl during a “just taking a look” visit of a litter that Barb Schaefer was fostering in late 2012, we fell in love with Dexter (then known as Bad to the Bone), and that was that. He joined our family that day, and we never looked back.
He was Mr. Personality. Dexter never met a blowing leaf that he didn’t exuberantly bark at, or an indestructible dog bed that he didn’t make short work of, or a towel that he didn’t mischievously swipe from the laundry room to claim as his own before we retrieved it and put it back, to let the game start all over again. He loved taking long walks and reading his “pee-mail” at every hydrant and sign post along the way. He was an expert at catching — whether a ball, or a kong, or a piece of fruit or veggie tossed his way. He figured out how to toss a cookie off his nose into the air so that he could catch it mid-flight, a party trick that he enjoyed performing for anyone who would watch. He loved belly rubs, and butt scratches, and relaxing while nuzzling his nose into “slipper pillows”. He could hurdle a family room ottoman with or without a running start.
A nasty case of hemangiosarcoma took him from us far too soon, at only age 7, but we treasure the final Christmas we enjoyed with him, our handsome, crazy, wacky boy. He was tremendously loved and leaves a huge, doggy-sized hole in our family, and with others who knew him. We are forever grateful to GoldHeart for bringing Dexter into our lives and hearts.
Nikola Juhasz, Michael Vogeley and family

Posted in Memorials