Coronavirus COVID-19 Notice
GoldHeart is not accepting applications to adopt at this time. The application page at this website is currently disabled, and you will receive an error message. Please wait to apply after this notice is taken down to submit applications.
With the wish that everyone stays healthy and to minimize the risk of spreading the Coronavirus COVID-19, GoldHeart has reluctantly decided that accepting applications and conducting home visits are suspended at this time. This means that we will not be able to process applications for adoption approval. We will re-evaluate every few weeks, and will post a notice as soon as we are able to resume application processing and home visits.
We sincerely regret taking this action, but the health and well-being of every applicant who wants to adopt, and all of the volunteers who do so much for GoldHeart, must be our priority right now.
Thank you very much for your understanding and especially your interest in adopting a dog from GoldHeart.
GoldHeart Board of Directors

Posted in News-Events