Cheyanne GH-407

Memorial for Cheyanne with Thanks and Gratitude
Many thanks to Barb and Bill Schaefer for entrusting us with the privilege of caring for Cheyanne. That April evening when we got the call saying, would you like to have Cheyanne? was just what we needed to hear. We could hardly contain our excitement. We knew she was meant to be ours to cherish, love, and make part of our family. She was a perfect fit.
Cheyanne was gentle, loved being with our family, and always greeted us at the door. Many times she would get her leash, Bob’s hat and gloves and put them in the middle of the living room floor, as if to say, it’s time for my daily walk and playing ball in the back yard! She was a great communicator and brought so much happiness to us all.
Cheyanne loved to cuddle, was well mannered, polite, and our best friend.
We would always tell the people who she greeted on the many walks we would take, that we rescued her, but the truth was she rescued us. We loved her very much. She will be missed.
Bob and Anita Dortenzo and Family

Posted in Memorials