Happy Endings

A dog holding a purple ball in its mouth on a grassy area.

Captain GH-989 (FTA)

Woof! Woof! Captain, an 8-month old golden doodle, is loving life in his Forever Home!
A golden retriever lying on a brown couch.

Sampson GH-984

WOO HOO!  I LOVE MY FOREVER HOME! This handsome golden boy reports that life couldn't ...
A black dog with a shiny coat and a red collar sitting on a patterned floor.

Angus GH-975

Woof! Woof! Adorable Angus, at about 15-18 months old, is loving life in his new ...
Golden retriever lying on a wooden floor.

Max GH-977 (FTA)

Woof! Woof!  I am so happy in my forever home! Max is a 5-year old ...
A golden retriever lying on carpet with a toy nearby.

Dexter GH-852

Woof Woof!  I'm Dexter, and I am so happy in my Forever Home! Dexter is ...
A relaxed brown dog with erect ears lounging on a carpet.

Ace (Zeus) GH-983

Look Who is Living a Wonderful Life in his Forever Home! Ace, now known as Zeus, not ...
Golden retriever lying on a patterned blanket.

Marley GH-981

Woof! Woof!  I'm Loving Life in my Forever HomeHi!  My name is Marley! I am ...
Golden retriever holding a green apple in its mouth.

Molly GH-980

Woof! Woof!  I love my forever home! Molly's foster family has decided that this sweet little 1-year ...
Golden retriever in a harness standing on a wooden deck with a person beside it.

Finn GH-961 (FTA)

Woof! Woof! I am officially adopted! Can you tell Finn is Happy? This sweet guy ...