Buddy GH-712

RIP Buddy 01/11/2007 – 12/24/2015

It is with a heavy heart, that Chris and I share the passing of our beloved and best friend Buddy, on Christmas Eve. We wouldlike to THANK GoldHeart, Jill Gerhart (foster Mom) and Barb Schaefer (President), as our lives were so blessed by adopting Bud
dy on June 18, 2011, and sharing our lives for 4 1/2 years.

As I’m typing, my stomach is in a knot, and tears are in my eyes. Buddy was my shadow and what a great personality and character he was. If laughter is the best medicine, then Chris and I should live to be 200. I can’t sum up all of the fun and mischief of Buddy. He made fast friends with our yellow lab Kailie, and they were inseparable. Even when sleeping, they would have a paw touching each other. Buddy was a sock thief! When I changed clothes, and put them in the clothes basket, he would root through until he found a sock and give me “that retriever” look! As I would share “give me my sock” he would shake his head up in the air and want me to chase him.

The dog’s beds are at the foot of ours. During the night, Buddy would get up and come to my side of the bed, nudge me with his nose wanting me to pet him. He would then lay down on the floor and I would lean off the bed with my right arm to pet him. So spoiled and loved. I miss that so much already. The early evening dinner time is a void now, as Kailie would begin her pacing around me, as a reminder. She would give Buddy “the look” and they would start barking at me, as if a palace coup was about to occur!

I could go on and on sharing, but as Golden Retriever lovers, we all know the personalities, character and love they bring us.

“Thank You” GoldHeart for all you guys do and for making us all a family.

James and Chris


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