Ash GH-1001
Ash ~ Sept 2009 – May 2020
Ash, oh Ash. You came to me as a foster dog from Egypt, the epitome of how cruel and unkind the world can be. You had been living in a garbage dump, you were malnourished and starving, you were infested with parasites, you had been shaved, your eyes were so infected you could barely open them, your hips were deformed and your back legs weak and withered, and worst of all, you hung your head in shame for how cruel the world had treated you. You had no reason to think the world you had just come to would be any better than the world you had just left.
But Ash, you were beautiful from the moment I laid eyes on you and I knew there was a spark of spirit still inside you that could be reignited. You became my heart dog at that moment and I vowed to you that you’d never know another bad day for the rest of your life.
Despite your cruel beginnings and the uncertainty and fear I’m sure you felt, you never showed an ounce of anger or aggression. You accepted my comfort and love and slowly came out of your shell to trust me. You realized that the world can be kind and caring and full of all good things. You quit hanging your head and you started wagging your tail and smiling! That moment when I realized you trusted me and I could comfort you is precious to me. I knew for certain at that point we’d get the spirit of Ash not only rekindled, but brought to a full flame!
And wow, what an incredible spirit you had. You overcame your fear of the world, you forgave the world for how cruelly it had treated you, and you loved all humans who loved you. Honestly, wherever we went, people were automatically drawn to you. You had a gorgeously handsome big square head! You would stare intently with those eyes, not wavering until the human realized you wanted to be noticed and get some attention. You won hearts far and wide. With your medical conditions that needed ongoing treatment over the years, we visited many veterinarian offices and the staff at all of those offices LOVED you! Every vet visit, you thought it was a party thrown just for you. And you know what Ash? You made it feel like it WAS a party! I’ve never known a dog to get SO excited to see all his favorite people at the vet office. You were a special gem.
I knew when I adopted you that my years with you might not be as long as I would hope for. But I considered each day with you a precious gift. Never a day went by that you weren’t loved on and cuddled and told that you were the most amazing dog in the world. You were a superstar to me. You overcame so much from your early life and became the sweetest, gentlest, most perfect dog!
You came into GoldHeart September 2016, and departed this world May 2020. Cancer, on its third try, eventually got the best of you. I wish I had had more years with you, but I know you are free from pain and in a peaceful place now. The love you showed me during those years leaves me with incredible memories and so many happy smiles every time I think of you.
You are one absolutely amazing, beautiful, and unforgettable dog, Ash. My heart is forever changed. Run free, my sweet boy.
Sarah McIlvaine

Posted in Memorials