Ash GH-1001

From his Mom in December…Ash is happily hanging out for the holidays with us in Delaware. As the college-aged kids have returned home, Ash soon realized that he has even more potential for love and attention in his home. And those college kids are all-too-happy to comply. They miss their fur-babies while away at school.
Ash has had a busy fall with medical appointments and lots of specialists. He has seen an orthopedic specialist to discern if hip replacement surgery is an option for his hip dysplasia. He is under the care of a veterinary neurologist to investigate potential spinal stenosis and some atypical seizure activity. Ash also just visited a holistic veterinarian to determine if chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture could be an option for keeping him pain-free and managing his hip and spine issues long-term without surgery. Lots of good advice was received during the visit, and we now have goals set to treat Ash as much as possible with natural remedies and herbal supplements and to reduce/eliminate the need for NSAIDS and steroids.
Despite Ash’s list of medical concerns, he is one happy dog with a positive spirit for persevering through it all. He has his foster family, he has his warm house, he has his fluffy bed, and he has his dog bowl filled with food twice a day, every day. What more could a boy who was living in a garbage dump in Egypt six months ago want? If ever there was a dog who seems to understand the befores and afters of his life, it’s Ash. There is not a day that goes by that Ash doesn’t outwardly show his joy for what his life is now. Goldheart has given Ash the gift of a new life , surrounded by peace, love, comfort and joy. And isn’t that our wish for everyone this holiday season?
The best news of all — his foster family has learned (words from his new forever Mom)… “There’s absolutely no way I could ever give him up. I need him just as much as he needs me.” WOW! BEST CHRISTMAS EVER FOR ASH! ” I can’t think of any other gift we’d rather have. Ash is already a part of our family and has been since September, but it will be extra, extra special to know that he is an official member of our family forever and ever.”
Congratulations to the McIlvaines and Ash! Officially Fabulous Failed Fosters! It is my honor and privilege to move Ash to Happy Endings!
Ash is an international rescue and was living on the streets in Egypt, until taken in by an awesome caregiver there. In turn, Ash’s caregiver connected with GoldHeart to see if we could help get this guy to the USA and the good life he so deserves. He made the journey to the USA after initial vetting there and landed at JFK on the 13th of September with four other golden GoldHeart rescues.