Annual GoldHeart Picnic
Hope you can make it!
When?Saturday September 17, Noon to 4 PM (Rain Date Sat 24th)
Where?2801 Lisburn Road, Camp Hill PA 17011
As always, all well behaved pups are welcome to come. The yard is fenced in. Only you know your dogs. If your dog does not play well with others or is not good with a lot of other dogs or people, please come to the picnic but leave your pup(s) at home so he/she is safe and comfortable.
Please RSVP bySept 9 to [email protected]
Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Please BYOC (chair) and a food contribution using list below based on your last name (per member suggestion, we rotated contributions this year):
A-F Snacks-Appetizers
G-L Desserts
M-S Main Dish
T-Z Side Dish
Rain Contingency– If it is necessary to cancel we will post an update on Saturday around 9 AM. Look underGoldHeart News. Rain date is Sept 24th.
Hope to see everyone there!

Posted in News-Events