Annie GH-1136
Woo Hoo! I have a Wonderful Forever Home!
Annie is a super sweet English cream golden retriever who is just around the age of one. She has such a sweet soul and kind temperament, however, because she has had quite a difficult life there were several requirements for her forever home. A forever home with another dog, a physical fence, and a family dedicated to continuing and employing positive training techniques and socialization opportunities was found for this special girl. There is no doubt, Annie will be one of the best companions they can imagine. It will just take time.
Gender: Female, Spayed
Age: 11 months to 1 year
Weight: 70 pounds
Health: Annie tested positive for a tick born Illness burelia burgdorfen, which requires no treatment and should present no issues. The only thing the vet suggested monitoring is the protein levels in her urine periodically.
Personality: Annie is very sweet, but extremely timid. She is terrified of everyone and everything.

Posted in Happy Endings