Alder GH-1036

RIP Alder 1-24-2018

We are heartbroken to report that Alder, affectionately known as Aldi, has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Late last year, Aldi was diagnosed with cancer (aggressive Lymphoma).

His Foster Mom told us,  I”ve never met a sweeter young man.  He had such an even temper. However, he was not a push over.  Push him too far and he would let you know in no uncertain terms that he had had enough. I will always think it funny, that when it was time to eat, Lexi (his foster sister pictured here) would  bark and that would bring Alder out of the bedroom. Some how, he knew the difference between her “I hear something” and “she’s making DINNER” bark. 

To say he is missed is an understatement. Our hearts are broken, feeling so sad for this little guy and wishing his outcome could have been different. We find comfort knowing that Alder was in a loving home where his final days were filled with comfort and cuddles and love, and no question, he was thinking he’s the luckiest dog in the world to have landed with these sweet, wonderful people – his GoldHeart foster family – who have taken such good care of him. Huge thanks to the Wise family.

Alder’s rescue…

He is an international rescue that  made his way in June 2017 from Okinawa, Japan to the USA courtesy of some very dedicated military families that volunteer with the doggies inc. rescue. He was picked up on the streets in Japan, and his future was looking very uncertain until the Doggiesinc team contacted GoldHeart, and set the remarkable rescue chain of events into action that got this sweet boy to the USA to enjoy the good life in a GoldHeart approved foster home.

Aldi is estimated to be about 5 years old, and still is small  and weighs around 35 pounds (was 30 at arrival). He tested Heartworm positive and was treated successfully and was just about to start his search for a forever home, when he was diagnosed with aggressive Lymphoma.

A smiling tan dog with a fluffy tail being petted by a person on a patterned rug.

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