Adoption Fee Increase
The GoldHeart Board recently voted to a slight increase in adoption fees for our youngest dogs. Over 60% of our dogs adopted during 2018 were under the age of five. This will be our first increase since 2015, and we felt it is necessary to help offset increasing veterinary costs. Back in 2015, vet expenses were about $800 per dog rescued, and now that cost is reaching close to $1,100 per dog (2018). Also, you may recall in 2016 our vet expenses were at an all-time high, reaching close to $1,500 average cost per dog rescued. The Board feels this minimal increase, coupled with our fundraising efforts and generous membership donations, will ensure we can care for incoming dogs and still have adoption fees comparable or lower than most golden rescues in the Mid-Atlantic area.
$500 – under 12 months INCREASES TO $600 effective March 1, 2019
$400 – 1 to 4 years INCREASES TO $500 effective March 1, 2019
$350 – 5 to 7 years
$300 – 8 to 10 years
$150 – over 10 years

Posted in News-Events