Call for Nominations

2019 GoldHeart elections are right around the corner and the positions that are up for election (serving a 2-year term, 2019-2020) are listed below. Some nominations have already been made and accepted as noted. If you have someone that you would like to nominate for any of these positions please send your nomination to the secretary at by Dec. 31 2018. You may not nominate someone without their knowledge and that person must be willing to accept the position.

Vice President (Elaine Goodman incumbent, nomination accepted)  

Treasurer  (Donna Blake incumbent, nomination accepted)

Board Member – Intake/Foster Home Coordinator  (Carol Ruell incumbent, nomination accepted)

Board Member - Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Support (Sarah McIlvaine, incumbent, nomination accepted)

Elections will take place at the annual members meeting, scheduled for January 19, 2019. Place and time to be announced at a later date.

Hope to see you all at the annual members meeting, and as always thank you for supporting GoldHeart!

Barbara Schaefer, President

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