Daisy GH-725
Back in 2007, our Golden Retriever Hunter passed on. By 2011, we were ready to have a dog again. We contacted GoldHeart to see if you had any puppies. You didn’t, but what you did have was a golden colored retriever mix that someone had turned over to you. GoldHeart had found this little girl a foster mom, but things did not go well there and you were looking for someone else to care for her. You asked If we were interested. We were.
GoldHeart estimated she was between 3-5 years old when we got her. Naturally she was timid, but she warmed up eventually. We loved her. One day we had her with us in Pet Smart when a couple remarked that that they had a dog just like her, and told us that she was a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. We’d never heard of that breed.
Anyway, Daisy was our dog for 10 years. Then one night she started throwing up all over the house. She deteriorated quickly, and our vet recommended she be put down.
Now she’s with Hunter, waiting for us to join them.
Daisy you are Forever in our Hearts…The Heller Family
Posted in Memorials