2021 GH Calendars Ready to Ship
The GoldHeart 2021 Calendars are ready to ship!
Please hurry to secure your copy and enjoy 12 months of Pure Gold and show your support for the Rescue all year long! Our calendar also makes a great gift for the golden lovers in your lives!
TO ORDER and pay for one or more CALENDARS: Click on the 2021 Calendar image in the top scroll bar of our web site or follow this link https://goldheart.org/2020/09/goldheart-calendar/
To order via personal check, send your check payable to GoldHeart with a note that includes your shipping address, contact email or phone number, and the number of calendars you are ordering. Mail to GoldHeart at PO Box 394, Chester, MD 21619. After receipt, the calendars will be mailed to you.
In addition, we are starting our Giving Thanks for Goldens Fundraiser early this year, and for all donations of $100 or more and received through December 31, 2020, donors will be mailed a complimentary GoldHeart 2021 Calendar.
To make a donation under this fundraising campaign, you can follow this link or type in at your web browser to make a donation by Pay Pal or credit card. https://goldheart.org/about-goldheart/make-a-donation/ Alternatively, you can mail a check payable to GoldHeart @ PO Box 394, Chester, MD 21619.

Posted in News-Events