2021 Annual General Membership Meeting
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and concern for the safety of our members, GoldHeart’s Annual General Membership Meeting will be held virtually using Messenger Rooms on Tuesday, January 19, from 6 – 7 PM. This technology is free, there is no meeting time limit, but there is a limit of 50 participants. If you would like to attend, please send an email to [email protected], and a link to join the meeting will be sent to you before the meeting by email, along with information to pre-determine if you qualify as a general or voting member. Should the number of attendees exceed the Messenger Rooms limit, attendees that are (1) voting members, and then (2) general members will be given priority (see definitions below*).
Meeting Agenda: Officer/Coordinator updates and 2-year term elections, positions are listed below. Official Organization business, will include, but is not limited to this election, and shall be decided by a majority vote of the members in good standing present at this meeting. A summary of this meeting will be made available upon request to the [email protected].
Vice President: Sabrena Hartley Garrison
Treasurer: Donna Blake (Incumbent)
Board Member – Intake/Foster Home Coordinator: Carol Ruell (Incumbent)
Board Member – Volunteer Coordinator/Communications Support: Sarah McIlvaine (incumbent)
*Membership, in part, restated from Article II of Amended and Restated
Bylaws of GoldHeart Golden Retriever Rescue, Inc.
SECTION 1. Eligibility. All members shall subscribe to the purpose of this Organization, as per our Constitution. Membership does not in any way grant special privileges pertaining to the adoption of a dog. There shall be two types of membership.
(a) General membership shall be granted after dues are paid (unless payment is waived as part of the Organization’s Standard Operating Procedures and/or published at the Organization’s website), and to newly approved adoption applicants on a complimentary basis.
(b) Voting membership shall be granted when requirements in paragraph (a) are satisfied, the member is in good standing with all local and federal laws and requirements pertaining to animals, are at least 18 years of age, and participate in a minimum of 4 events/volunteer activities per year.

Posted in News-Events